As part of the Southwest New Territories Deanery, the catchment area of the Visitation Parish includes North Lantau, Tung Chung and Discovery Bay which is now serviced in parallel by Our Lady of Visitation Chapel in Tung Chung and the Holy Trinity Chapel in Discovery Bay.

The Parish there had a humble start with the Eucharist held in homes of the faithful. After the migration of the airport to Chap Lap Kok, the population in Tung Chung has been on steady increase. Places where masses are celebrated have also been changed a few times to currently the Primary Section of Tung Chung Catholic School in Yat Tung Estate (for the anticipated and Sunday masses) and the Visitation Chapel (for daily mass) in Sheung Ling Pei Village.

The existing facilities of the Parish no longer meet the needs of the growing population. In response, the Diocese applied for a new parcel of land to build a new church and has received positive reply from the Government. C Y S Associates (Hong Kong) Ltd has been appointed to embark on the overall planning and design of the project.

The total project cost (including design, construction, interior decoration and land premium) is estimated to be HK$600 million at today's price.

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