“Together We Stride” Walkathon

The Diocesan Fund-raising Commission for Church Building and Development is organizing a fundraising walkathon "Together We Stride" which will be held on 23 April 2023 (Sunday) from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. This is the first of this kind that ever organized by the Diocese in the past.

The route starts at the Science Park Amphitheatre, walks along the Waterfront Promenade up to its far end, then takes the same route back to the other end at Shatin Pak Shek Kok Park as the finish point. The entire route is about 3km long and needs about 1 hour to complete.

Our Bishop Rev. Chow Sau Yan will be coming to officiate the event. The opening ceremony will start at 3 p.m. at the Science Park Amphitheatre. Before and after the opening ceremony, a number of choirs and musical groups from various parishes have been arranged to sing songs and perform live music for those participants who arrive early or choose to start late.

Apart from fundraising for building church and development of the Diocese, the purpose of this event is to unite all parishes, Catholic schools, diocesan committees/bureaux and other Catholic organizations to demonstrate and manifest the Diocese's "Home among Homes" spirit: unity, sharing and communion.

Looking forward to seeing you in the event.

23 April 2023 (Sun)
2:00 - 3:00pm Invited Guests Registration
3:00 - 3:30pm Kick-Off Ceremony
3:30pm Walk Begins
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