Joint-School workout for Diocese fund-raising
Celeb Jennifer Yu introduces Ladies Fashion Charity Sale for Diocese fund-raising
Joint-School workout for Diocese fund-raising
All participating diocesan groups and schools continue extending Home among Homes spirit
Pastoral Art Pieces demonstrating profound religious philosophy and practice
Let you bring home and raise fund for the Diocese
All Diocese families sing together to motivate "Parish renewal" and raise funds for Diocese church building and development. Don’t miss the chance to share our joy!
Joint-School rope skipping workout to kick start 2022 Diocese fund-raising
Phase 1 fund-raising target of the Diocese is to raise $500 million. How to go about it then?
To help meditate on and follow the examples of St Joseph and the Holy Family during the Year "Amoris Laetitia Family", in facing contemporary challenges
Display of art pieces donated by clergy and religious, helps reflect on faith and the meaning of life… an opportunity to raise funds for the Diocese as well
Order now to protect yourself and your family while donating to the Diocese
Life insurance has always provided us with a means to do our part for our beloved ones, to ensure that their quality of life is maintained when we return to heaven one day. Today, we invite you to do the same for your beloved community – the Church, the body of Christ.